I don't know what's more tragic. That Jemel Roberson lost his life or that leftists as usual wasted no time whatsoever politicizing his death to advance the Marxist anti-2A agenda. It's not my intention to diminish the tragedy of Jemel losing his life with this contribution. Though I don't think I could if I tried. That's already been done by radical leftist anti-gun, and anti-white racists, exploiting Jemel's death to advance the cause of fascist tyranny.
It seems every time something like this happens, when reading about it on social media, there's always some "person of color" or leftist plagued by white guilt who implies, or outright asserts, that this "never would have happened" if the victim "was white." Or some other, comparably baseless and insufferably stupid, assertion. Take Christie Hargrave and Lauren Allen-Jones for example.
Apparently reporting the facts of the incident somehow "perpetuates racism amongst American readers." We see in Christie's response the all too common sort of abject duplicity and manipulation leftists incessantly employ. Christie is accusing Fox of racism in a flagrant effort to "shame" them into suppressing details of the incident that contravene the (blacks are always the victim) narrative to which she subscribes. She doesn't want Fox reporting all the details, just those details that fit the leftist narrative, i.e., that Jemel Roberson, being black, could not bear any responsibility in his death whatsoever and that the police are racist. Essentially, the sum of Christie's argument is how dare Fox disseminate information in disparity with the Socialist party's platform, and not slant its coverage to affirm that platform. Christie's remarks also allude to the common leftist contradiction, which I've pointed out for years, that the police are racist and yet the police are the only people who should have guns according to leftists.
I'm also not sure what responsibility the NRA, a civilian gun owner rights advocacy group, bears in police shootings exactly. But apparently it bears some kind of responsibility for such according to Lauren. I mean, obviously if the 2A was repealed the police would still have guns. According to leftists the police should be the only people that have guns. So police shootings would still occur in the absence of the 2A or NRA. Does Lauren expect the NRA to defend Jemel and attack the police? To do that would require they assume the innocence or guilt of the parties involved prior to knowing all the details or facts. Worse, it might require assuming such despite the details and facts. And while that's something with which the left, and Lauren clearly have no problem, it's not something an intellectually honest person would do.
Here's the deal. Apparently Jemel wasn't in uniform and ignored verbal commands from an officer. But none of that matters, you see. Because he was shot for being black according to leftists, and not for being a guy holding a gun that didn't follow instructions, when told by a police officer to drop his weapon and get on the ground. He was apparently wearing a hat that said "security" on it. And we all know that it's impossible for someone who is not a security guard, to procure and wear a hat that says security on it, proving unequivocally that this was racially motivated. And never mind that according to the Washington Post's tally of fatal police shootings, twice as many whites have been killed by police than blacks or Hispanics in 2018, as was the case in 2017, and 2016, and 2015 before it.
I imagine this will simply be disregarded, however, as white racist propaganda. In my experience that's what Marxists, whether white or "of color," do any time the data contravenes their position (which it does very, very often).
The amnesiac American populace has already forgotten that a similar incident happened not long ago. Jason E. Washington wasn't black and was killed by police under very similar circumstances. I'm not sure what ethnicity Jason was, but when I first saw the video I thought he was white. Jason, a veteran of the United States Navy and holder of a valid concealed carry permit, was trying to break up a brawl outside of a bar. His weapon, which wasn't even concealed, was allegedly dropped when Jason fell over during the scuffle. Upon getting up he reached for the weapon, the officers commanded him to drop it, and he apparently failed to comply and was shot and killed.
Jason wasn't in a Navy uniform. He failed to obey commands from police. He reached for a weapon. And he paid the price. Absolutely tragic, but also rather understandable, given the circumstances. (You never reach for a weapon around the police.) Unless you're a leftist, a black leftist in particular, and then the police should have had the power of precognition and extra sensory perception. They should have known everything about Jason, a complete stranger with a gun, despite having never met him before.
I'm frankly really tired of the abject dishonesty of leftists, who incessantly parrot this falsehood that people of color are targeted by, and disproportionately the victim of fatal police shootings. And it is dishonesty, because even when presented with data to the contrary, as leftists commonly do they ignore that data and continue disseminating falsehoods. I'm also rather fed up with their flagrant hypocrisy, and incessant politicization of peoples' deaths, as a means of advancing their political agenda.
Dylann Roof is another prime example of how leftists cull, and selectively present information, in a manner that serves purely to affirm their own bias and facilitate the advancement of their agenda. Leftists cited Dylann as proof of America's white "racism." But they omitted key information, like Dylann's own statements during his confession to police, because they contravened that narrative. What information? That Dylann was, by his own account, the exception and not the standard; he was doing something no one else would do. But of course that didn't stop leftists from using Dylann as a tool, to construe all white people and/or Conservatives as racists or white supremacists, while simultaneously claiming to oppose racial profiling. I saw insipid leftist screeds that ranged from claiming "Dylann Roof is the face of the radicalized alt-right,” to blaming Donald Trump for motivating Dylann's homicidal rampage, and radicalizing working class whites suffering from "vulnerable and precarious self-esteem."
None of them acknowledge that Dylann stated none of his friends or family shared his views on race, and that he generally didn't discuss it with other people because he knew they wouldn't approve. "I've never even talked about race around other people [...] because they probably wouldn't agree with me." When asked if he ever talked about race with his family he said no. "They wouldn't like it." Acquaintances of Dylann seem to corroborate his account to a large degree, a black friend saying he "never witnessed Roof expressing any racial prejudice." When asked if he's a member of a racist white organization, Dylann stated he isn't because he couldn't find one to join, and that for all practical intents and purposes they don't exist. Dylann described the KKK as being impotent and observed that there haven't been any legitimate skinhead organizations in decades. "There are no skinheads. I wish there were, but there aren't." He stated that white people, unlike black people, do not view things through the "lens" of race. And that the reason he perpetrated the murders was to degrade relations between whites and blacks, in an effort to foment a racial cognizance on the part of the former, that according to Dylann doesn't currently exist to any meaningful extent. Blacks view everything through the "lens" of race from birth, said Dylann, and his crime was intended to get whites to do likewise.
Obviously, acknowledging these details would directly contradict leftist assertions that "white supremacy" is pervasive and a credible threat in America, and therefore in accordance with the wishes of leftists like Christie should not be reported. I mean, we wouldn't want to "perpetuate racism" by reporting all the details, now would we? Christie's sentiments actually serve to substantiate Dylann's claim that the media has a pro-black bias. Anyone with a functioning brain would immediately recognize that Christie is chiding Fox for coverage that lacks a pro-black bias. She outright says Fox's article, by having a headline that suggests Jemel might not be blameless, is "literally the only news article" she's seen that does not exhibit that bias.
But apparently if you acknowledge the validity of anything Dylann said that makes you a racist. One leftist screed cites someone claiming Dylann wasn't a "madman," which he plainly wasn't, as proof that person is racist. So if you observe that Dylann comes across as completely lucid, cognizant, truthful, and perfectly aware of the weight of his actions, you're racist. So were I to say that Dylann was right when he said there are no white racist organizations of note to join any longer, and that I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to find one if I wanted to become a member, that would make me racist. I mean, it's not like genocidal white racist organizations are found sitting unabashedly on street corners in towns and major cities throughout America or anything.
Oh wait. I take that back. Actually they are. Hiding in plain sight under such seemingly innocuous euphemisms as "Planned Parenthood."
But naturally leftists have no problem with racist enterprises when they run them. And "abortion is genocide" probably wouldn't be as efficacious at getting people in the doors; it just doesn't have the same ring to it. Aside from ogranizations like Planned Parenthod, I've personally never been to, or even seen a white racist organization. But I digress. At one point during his confession Dylann explicitly says "I'm not delusional." But apparently leftists wanted Dylann to be crazy so he could mount an insanity defense, allowing them to cite that as yet one more example of proof the justice system is racist, by claiming a black man would have been summarily executed by the police for committing a similar crime.
For example, the mass shooting perpetrated by black man Gavin Eugene Long, was also racially motivated. But leftists are too busy claiming Gavin's death in the process of perpetrating that crime, is proof the police and justice system are racist, to care. Once again they forget/omit key details, like the fact Gavin sought out the police, and died as a result of engaging them in armed combat. Conversely the time frame in which Dylann committed his murders was far shorter and he left long before the police arrived. Gavin went to the Police. Dylann went where there were no police, and when the police eventually found him, surrendered without incident.
Leftists are constantly making these asinine apples and oranges comparisons. They constantly cite some black guy getting shot resisting arrest, and James Holmes who surrendered to police peacefully not getting shot, as proof of racism.
By contrast Markeith Loyd, also a black man, was not shot when taken into custody despite having murdered a police officer and being incidental in the death of another. Why? Because he surrendered when police apprehended him. And why am I pointing this out? To illustrate that you don't necessarily get the same outcome, even among two people of the same race, much less two people of different races hundreds or thousands of miles apart.
This all merely serves to illustrate how fruitless trying to reach any kind of understanding with a leftist is. They're simply not pragmatic, or even rational people, and are often conspicuously uninterested in the truth. They routinely base their positions on incomplete information, if not fantasies of their own making at complete odds with the facts altogether. They are the ones motivated by prejudice and ignorance. As evinced by their complete failure to understand there is no uniform national standard for murder penalties. The laws vary from state to state, county to county, and even town to town. The expectation of the "same," or an identical outcome in two separate murder trials for example, is simply farcical. It's highly improbable that two juries, 2,000 miles apart, will reach the exact same conclusion in two separate murderer trials, involving two different culprits, involving a myriad of disparate variables. Likewise, the outcome of two separate arrests is not necessarily going to be the same, when the parties involved are different and meet under drastically different circumstances. And the expectation of such conveys an infantile understanding of the world on the part of the person expecting it.
American leftists did exactly what Dylann wanted by using his crimes to foment racial strife. That's exactly what he wanted. Ironically however, it was blacks and not whites that were induced by his actions to become (yet more) focused on race, which was the opposite of what he wanted. Dylann was, by his own statements, seeking to evoke white racism where none existed. And he believed that by murdering blacks, it would incite their animus against whites, forcing the latter to adopt a racial mentality in response. But none of that was reported and no leftist could be bothered to care about those details. They didn't fit, and affirm, the leftist narrative that all whites are racist and view everything through the prism of race.
In reality the opposite is true. It is blacks that view everything, from their earliest years, through the prism of race. Dylann was right about that. And the proof of that is seen at the beginning of this article. It's seen in how leftists, particularly black leftists, immediately made Jemel Roberson's death a "racial" issue before he'd even assumed room temperature. It's seen in how they determined which parties were innocent and guilty, before they had any information at all, much less all the facts. And it's seen in how they disregard any information in disparity with their racially focused narrative. The only detail that matters to leftists, is that the person shot was black, and the person who did the shooting was white; because leftists view everything through the "lens" of race.
Sadly, the real lessons to be learned from Dylann's crimes seem simply beyond the average American's ability to even discern much less grasp. Dylann during his confession remarks that he was in "absolute awe," there were no police there when he exited the church, after he "shot that many bullets." (Dylann, like all modern leftists, simply doesn't understand the physical realities that govern police response times.) "What are these cops doing?" Dylann quips, "They're not even really doing their job." Serving to illustrate yet again, that those who rely on the state to save them, die waiting to be saved. Observing their were no police waiting for him outside the church, Dylann calmly walked to his car and left.
Those of us with brains realize Dylann didn't make anything better for white people or gun owners. He actually made them worse by giving leftist retards like Christie and Lauren more ammunition with which to assault our liberties. And for that, no less than murders he committed, I rebuke him.
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