Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Democrat is a synonym for Communist

I'm not sure what's more aggravation inducing. That naked Communism is pervasive throughout the U.S., or that no one will acknowledge it as such. I've talked about the flagrant Marxist origins of leftist rhetoric and policies before. Indeed, I've talked about it for many years, but there doesn't seem to be any greater awareness of it today (generally speaking) than there was 20 years ago. In fact, people seem far more oblivious, dumber, and less able to recognize specious/veiled Marxist rhetoric than they were in the past. And as always, this is done through something so simple as merely calling it something else, one of the preferred misappellations to that end being "democracy." 

I mean, sounds great. Taking power away from the evil rich. Unity. Equality. I mean, who wouldn't want that, right? Except this is 100% classical Marxist proletariat versus bourgeois rhetoric.
"We need radical solutions, real democracy, and real unity. We, the workers and our allies, need to take power from the hands of the wealthy few, their corporations, and their political operatives. We need real solutions to real problems, not the empty promises of politicians and corporate bosses. We need peace, justice, and equality. We need socialism." - Communist Party Platform, The Road to Socialism, Unity for Peace, Democracy, Jobs and Equality. 
Robert Francis O'Rourke's (Beto) sentiment is identical in substance to that of the Communist Party. He just leaves out certain words, like "Socialism," or "Communism," because those labels still have negative connotations in the United States. But that's rapidly changing, in no small part because leftists assiduously deceptively package Marxism, in a box bearing another label.

"When capitalism comes into tension with democracy, which is more important? I believe democracy is more important." - Pete Buttigieg.
The summation of Pete's sentiment is that capitalism is bad for Democracy, because it places profits above people. Which sounds immediately familiar to me, as it's likewise declared on the Communist Party's website.
"For democracy. For equality. For socialism. For a sustainable future and a world that puts people before profits." - Ibidem.
The ways in which capitalism is a threat to democracy is expounded upon in detail, once again, in the Communist Party's platform.
"Our world is threatened by the ravages of capitalist globalization. [...] The working people of our country confront serious, chronic problems because of capitalism. These chronic problems become part of the objective conditions that confront each new generation of working people. [....] Capitalism causes other chronic problems in addition to racism [...] sexism and male supremacy, national chauvinism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and anti-communism." - Ibidem. 
What do you constantly hear from Democrats if not that America is a hopelessly "racist," "sexist," "homophobic," "chauvinistic patriarchy" thronged with "white supremacists?" All of this sentiment is lifted directly from the Socialist/Communist platform, but it's rarely ever acknowledged as such. (Also the notion that capitalism causes "anti-Semitism" is farcical. The Nazis were Socialists. Thus, as always with leftists, if the facts don't support your agenda just lie to people.) Global warming and impending environmental catastrophe? Again, blatantly derived from Communist rhetoric.
"The other development is the threat to the worlds environment. Tackling the solutions to air pollution, water pollution, the depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, and other environmental crises will require the combined cooperation, scientific knowledge, and research resources of all countries in the world. [...] This could threaten our very existence as a species, even threaten our planets ability to reproduce life as we know it." - Ibidem. 
Basically, become a Marxist and accede to the resources of "all the countries in the world" being managed by an aristocratic Socialist oligarchy for the purposes of preventing climate crisis, or all life as we know it will be extirpated. They're trying to save the world, you see, and the only obstacle to them accomplishing that is your national sovereignty and freedom.

It needs to be understood that this is the inspiration and agenda behind garbage like the "Green New Deal." 

As observed previously, the word "democracy" doesn't appear one time in the U.S. Constitution, because the United States was not Founded as and was never intended to be a democracy. Socialist and Communist rhetoric is replete with references to such however, and variants of the word appear no less than 134 times in the Communist Party's platform. "True democracy can only be achieved with society’s transformation to socialism" says the Socialist Party. "The victory of socialism," says the Communist Party, "will open a new stage in the continual development of democracy."
"The Socialist Party is a socialist feminist organization that recognizes that a struggle against habitual male dominance and patriarchy must go hand in hand with any struggle against capitalism. Therefore, we pledge our opposition to all forms of sexism, and demand equality in all aspects of life." - Socialist Party USA, National Socialist platform 2015-2017.
Sound familiar yet? The Communists go to groups they deem amenable to grievance-mongering and stoke their animosity, and then construe capitalism (among other things; e.g., white people, men, Christians, heterosexuals, etc.) as to blame for their being aggrieved. Capitalism is holding you down, and these people/groups are pro-capitalism, and therefore evil; you should hate them.

Hell, Pete even attacks the electoral college. Something (once again) lifted directly from the Socialist Party's platform, which states unequivocally "we call for the elimination of the Electoral College." And notice also how Pete construes the Marxist platform as a democratic endeavor. This is subversion technique derived from Fabian Socialists. Their objective was the incremental advancement of Socialism through clandestine means, one of which was deliberate misappellation, i.e., refusing to acknowledge themselves as Socialists and using other labels for themselves and the ideology to which they subscribed; i.e., advancing Socialism by any name but Socialism. Their use of deceptive/furtive tactics was, ironically, blatantly conveyed in their coat of arms; a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Simply put, their strategy turns people into Socialists without them even realizing they've become Socialists, because their parties and institutions generally retain their traditional nomenclature and iconography long after subversion has begun (or has even been completed). A party or institution's platform drastically changes over time, through slow, constant, and seemingly minor (and therefore largely imperceptible) alterations, until becoming a Socialist entity. This incrementalism, in addition to the branding (name) staying the same, mitigates if not altogether prevents recognition there's been a change at all in most; preventing the counter-revolutionary tendencies that result from bold and aggressive revolutionary initiatives. This is why you see subversives like Hillary, Robert Francis, Pete and Kamala Harris, for example, incesssantly pushing Socialism but always denying they're Socialists.

This tactic has been profoundly successful in the U.S. (and western civilization in general), in which even Republicans are now willing to vote for someone openly supporting Socialist medicine, simply because he calls himself a "Republican." In which people mistakenly believe the president opposes Socialism because he "said so" in a speech, and does things like hug the American flag, which induces them to forget completely the fact he was openly promoting Socialist medicine as a candidate and has done nothing as president to repeal Obamacare as he pledged.

The American people have frankly become incapable of grasping nuance. Marxism is seeping out of every political crack and crevice in this country today, and it's absolutely common now to hear it pouring out of people's mouths (even Republicans), ensconced within some specious euphemism (e.g., "gun violence prevention law").

Not even those ostensibly on the right, e.g., the article about Pete above, are generally capable of correctly identifying and acknowledging these ideologies. There's not a single reference to Socialism or Communism in that article. That's just wacky, anti-capitalist, "liberal" Pete. Except Pete's not a "liberal." He's not even a Democrat. He's a Marxist, who wants to be president, and that makes him profoundly dangerous. And those on the right who fail, or refuse to acknowledge that fact, only aid and abet him (and his cohorts) in his surreptitious agenda of subversion. Pneumonia that's diagnosed as a cold won't get treated properly and may even kill you. You cannot fight something you fail to correctly identify, or even fail to acknowledge the existence of at all. This is a maxim no less true of subversive ideologies.

Hell, even Pete's sexual deviancy is a staple of the Marxist platform, a key component of which is the erosion of traditional American Judeo-Christian culture and values.
"Unity against homophobia and for gay rights is an important defense of basic rights for gays, lesbians, and all people, and is a key to building unity against the broad anti-democratic agenda of the right." - Ibidem.
Again, we see that the pro-homosexual, pro-democratic movement, and designation of anyone who opposes such as "ultra-right," is derived directly from subversive Marxist rhetoric. It's common to hear leftists label anyone who opposes them in anything, to any extent, as "far-right," "radical right," "alt-right," etc. And perhaps of greater significance, and much less realized, is the acceptance of these things (homosexuality, democracy, etc.) is a direct indicator of to what extent a person or party has been subverted ideologically. When you hear someone proclaiming that homosexuals deserve "full and equal civil rights, including the right to marry," you are talking to a Marxist; that belief being derived directly from the Marxist platform. And often these people will be completely unaware of the fact they're Marxists and have adopted Marxism at all; because they will typically use another euphemistic misappellation for it; typically the label under which it was peddled to them by some Marxist subversive bureaucrat (Pete, Francis, Hillary), or celebrity (Alyssa Milano, Alec Baldwin, Robert De Niro), et al. 

Apparently, the only way Americans can recognize Communism, is when it's waving a red flag with a sickle and hammer and shoving a gun barrel in their face. And by the time something like that's the norm, it's far too late to do much of anything about it. If people can't recognize Communism, until they're starving or being mass incarcerated or murdered under a totalitarian regime, what hope is there in preventing it? If current trends are any indicator, those on the right will still be calling them "liberals," as they're being rounded up into "democratically" established dissident camps for the reeducation (or worse) of racist, white, Christian, gun owning, "cisgender" males.

In closing, given how ostentatiously and assiduously Democrats regurgitate Marxist rhetoric nigh verbatim, and official Marxist rhetoric appeals to and promotes democracy to further the Socialist agenda, the two terms (Democrat and Marxist) are plainly interchangeable. Indeed, the Communist Party openly admits they view democracy and class warfare as 
integral to the subversion of capitalist societies, and how these two things work in tandem to facilitate the establishment of Communism.
The class struggle and the democratic struggle are closely linked; they overlap and intertwine. [....] The aim of the class struggle in the longer term is the winning of power in order to construct socialism. The aim of the democratic struggle is to widen the democratic space for all working people as much as possible so long as capitalism exists. The interaction of these two streams of struggle advances the struggle to the eve of socialist revolution. After a revolution, a qualitative change happens, with democracy progressing in a planned and guaranteed process in harmony with the working class as the new ruling class. - Ibidem.
Anyone so naive as to think we can "coexist" with the Marxists is simply deluded. Socialism is an inherently expansionist, and intolerant ideology, that will except nothing less than global dominion. As the Socialist party plainly states: "Only a global transformation from capitalism to democratic socialism will provide the conditions for international peace, justice, and economic cooperation." There is no alternative. There is no opting out. There is no dissidence. You, and the fruit of your labor, will belong to the collective. Or else. 

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