Thursday, October 22, 2020


You know, back when this all started and I naively believed the "experts" couldn't be completely full of (expletive), I was concerned. I encouraged people to take precautions, but remain vigilant, because leftists would exploit the pandemic. Who can forget Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's comment, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste?" Well, they certainly didn't waste this one. As I said in July.

"Watch as the next election draws closer. Among Democrats it will be as if China had nothing to do with COVID and they'll be blaming Trump for it." - Me, July, 2020.

And that's what happened. Listening to the left today you'd never know COVID-19 came from China, spread around the globe as a result of Communist incompetence and subterfuge, or that China even had anything to do with it. Instead Communist rags like Time disseminate wildly misleading rhetoric that's nigh indistinguishable from that of the CCP itself.

Anyone familiar with this blog know it's replete with harsh criticism of Trump. I didn't vote for him in the last election. But I'm witnessing a level of abject stupidity, hatred, and deceit from the Communist "Democrat" left that surpasses anything I've seen before. We've got the same people whose mantra for years and years, has been keep your laws "off my body" and "out of my bedroom" in support of infanticide and sodomy, telling people to wear masks at all times, even while eating, even during sex; i.e., using the pandemic as a pretext to regulate every facet of human life and interaction.

We saw the nation's foremost expert, Fauci, flagrantly equivocate when asked if Marxist protests (which ostentatiously flout his recommendations) should be limited. (Because apparently the virus is instantly obliterated by the sheer fervor of proletarian angst.) In an exchange which should have caused Fauci to lose all credibility to any thinking person. Because it clearly conveyed his position is influenced (if not dictated), not by "science," but by a political agenda.

These people (leftists), with their penchant for spying on and reporting their neighbors, and yearning for every aspect of life to be directed by a centralized bureaucracy, are the sort of useful idiots Stasi operatives dreamed about at night. People that literally want to regulate everything that goes into (food and drink) and out of your body (breath and farts).

And all because they "listen to the doctors and scientists." You know, the same people that were just decades ago lobotomizing people over abject frivolities. Like Dr. Walter Freeman, graduate of prestigious Yale University, who discovered that when you shoved a metal spike into people's craniums and blindly wiggled it around, it resulted in behavioral changes. (Who knew?) This was the solution of some learned men for everything from severe and incurable mental illness, to depression, to rambunctious children who wouldn't listen to their parents. And again this wasn't millennia ago. It wasn't the dark ages. It was just several decades ago.

Freeman, who went around on lobotomy tours showing off his technique and teaching others how to perform it, even medically untrained psychiatrists (because who needs a medical degree to shove an ice pick into someone's head and wiggle it around, right?), personally performed thousands of lobotomies, once lobotomizing 25 women in a single day, and a 12 year old who's step mother complained he day dreamed too much.

So now I see people walking around with underwear on their faces every day; because they "listen to the doctors and the scientists." Never mind that surgical masks aren't a closed, filtered system, and just redirect your breath out the sides of the mask (as opposed to straight ahead). As anyone who's ever worn one can attest, when you exhale you get warm moist breath flowing directly into your eyeballs (why glasses fog), out the sides of the mask, bottom, etc. Never mind that essentially all of the commonly used respirators are only filtered one way. While it protects you from others (filtered inhalation), if you are infected, you're still spewing plague out of the (unfiltered) exhalation valve onto everyone else nearby. You would need a closed system, with dual directional filtration, ideally incorporated into a pressurized suit to really be protected. And I can scarcely think of anything less practical for ordinary daily life. Imagine being a roofer working in a full body suit in July.  

Am I saying you should never wear a mask? No. Am I saying you should abstain from wearing a mask in close proximity to people that are ill? No. But I am saying if you believe that underwear on your face is going to save you from a deadly airborne virus, you might as well write "magic virus shield" on a sheet of paper, and tape it to the front of your face. Because it likewise will prevent you from sneezing on people, and being sneezed upon, while offering minimal if any actual protection from airborne contagions. And I say people that are ill, because according to "the doctors and the scientists," those are the only people about which you really need to worry.

That is unless "the doctors and the scientists" are wrong. But that's just crazy. That article clearly contains the word "science." So it must be true. Right?

Anyway, now Democrats are acting like they weren't opposed to lockdowns, before they were for them. You know, like back when Nancy Pelosi went walking through China Town in a crowd, arm in arm, and face hugging people in the street unmasked. At the annual height of Chinese travel abroad mind you. Basically, when Chinese people were leaving virus stricken China in their greatest numbers to go visit relatives abroad, Nancy Pelosi was out hugging Chinese people in crowded streets and encouraging others to do the same.

But this, like so much else, has been forgotten, revised, erased from the collective psyche by months of assiduous Marxist propaganda and misinformation. Like the fact the WHO was initially claiming there was no evidence of human to human transmission and was advising against travel bans. 

Trump was one of the first in the western world to push for travel bans. The Democrats opposed it and accused him of fear mongering and racism. 

Trump's "racist" travel ban would eventually include Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

While the WHO was downplaying the virus to the rest of the world, China had already implemented domestic lockdowns and was preventing travel within its borders, yet was allowing travel abroad. In what can only be deemed an initiative to intentionally inflict the same circumstances on the rest of the world, people weren't allowed by the CCP to leave Wuhan to go somewhere else in China, but were allowed to leave China to go to places like the United States. (And places like San Francisco, where they might ultimately be face hugged by a moronic Democratic congresswoman, who then transmits the virus who knows where.) According to a Chinese aviation company by mid January 4,000 people had already entered the United States directly from Wuhan. Thanks to the WHO and the Democrat Party (proxies of the CCP) it was too late.

COVID-19 is the Democrat Party's virus in the United States. They not only opposed measures to mitigate the pandemic's spread in the beginning but directly facilitated it. Attacking efforts at suppressing its spread with identical rhetoric to the Chinese Communist Party; accusations of racism. The ensuing deaths are a result of Democrat ineptitude, obstruction, and malfeasance. And now they do what they always do when their Socialist policies end in disaster. Blame their opponents for everything they did, and employ a subverted complicit media apparatus to assiduously disseminate misinformation, that molds public opinion to their benefit. And as usual, it's been highly successful, on the millions of Marxist ignoramuses that call themselves "Democrats."

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