My previous contribution primarily focused on Cultural Marxism in business and advertising. But it's hardly exclusive to such. Cultural Marxism is also now ubiquitous in entertainment among other things (like education). The recent controversy surrounding the He-Man remake is a prime example.
The endeavor bore overt indicators of Marxist subversion from the outset it seems. The original cartoon was named "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe." But the new production was titled "Masters of the Universe: Revelation" with the "He-Man" portion conspicuously absent. And there's a reason for that. He's basically promptly discarded and replaced with a "diverse" (white/Latina/black) assortment of strong, independent women, two of which are in a bi-racial "same sex" relationship.

Because "representation" means that 1-2% of the population should comprise anywhere from 25-50% of all film and television roles. Basically, the "revelation" in "Masters of the Universe: Revelation," is that "diversity" (Cultural Marxism) makes Eternia (the show's setting) stronger through sodomy, matriarchy, and bad haircuts. Conveying that leftists destroy imaginary worlds in precisely the same fashion they do the real one.

As seen with Teela's "transition" from a relatively normal (if not attractive) young woman (left), to a misandrist butch Karen purged of all femininity (right). At one point she stands at the bow of a ship, with another "strong/independent" female named Evil-Lyn, lamenting how they've been held back by men all their lives. And now that those men are gone, they're free to achieve their dreams, etc. (You'd think being a "strong" woman requiring the absence of men epiphany inducing. But no.) The dialogue is an inadvertent intimation at the enviousness, covetousness, and malice inherent to the Marxist worldview.
Leftists simply can't accept the reality of the world or their own physical limitations. (Some of them literally butchering their bodies in vain attempts to transcend such.) Instead they seek to impose their own misperceptions onto everyone around them, and efface anything that serves to contravene that misperception. Basically, they don't bend their beliefs into conformity with reality, so much as try to bend reality into conformity with their beliefs. Except the latter can't be done. They can't change reality. (You can't turn a man into a woman.) But they can impair how others perceive it. (You can make people believe a man is a woman.) So they devote virtually all of their energy to the latter; waging psychological war against the minds of their fellow man.
It would be no exaggeration to say that the leftist worldview (as evinced by things like "transgenderism") is a form of psychosis, and the leftist "agenda" is a campaign to establish a mass psychosis into which all human minds have been annexed. There's a reason leftists are so aggressive in their proselytization and often have paroxysmic reactions to their beliefs being challenged as such. You don't just have a "different opinion," you're an existential threat to their subjective reality, the preservation of which requires your silence or elimination. So if you're a woman that thinks you're as "strong" as a man, for example, stronger men will by merely existing in your proximity serve to contravene that misconception. Thus the solution is to either remove them (diversify the labor pool), or if that's not an option, implement policies that handicap them and/or compel them to affirm your delusion by endorsing or adopting "feminism." You cannot be strong as they are, but you can through brainwashing and enervating policies, hold them down to preserve your delusional "equality."

You will almost certainly never see someone born a "woman" lift a 1,400 lb log. Men are simply stronger, and not by a little bit. The female world records for squat and log press for example are nearly doubled by their male counterparts. Despite working out for most of my life at this point you'll never see me do it either. I have no problem with the fact Hafþór Björnsson can do it and I can't though. He wanted it. He worked for it. And most importantly of all, he was born with a body that made it possible. I wasn't. If I were a leftist however I'd want the rules changed to my benefit and his detriment, to compel him to acknowledge me as his "equal," or his removal altogether (perhaps on some fallacious charge of racism, sexism, phobia, etc.) so that he, and others like him, couldn't "hold me back" from becoming a weight lifting champion myself, and subsequently demanding "equal pay" and accolades for inferior performance. That's how the solipsistic Marxist mind works. It doesn't conform to reality, it conforms reality to itself. And you'll see this in practice with any number of leftist causes, e.g., "transgenderism," whose adherents likewise refuse to conform to reality and instead expect all of society to conform to their psychosis.
Terminator: Dark fate is another great example of a film that sought to prop up "strong" female characters in the same fashion as Masters of The Universe.

Here in the real world strength and femininity are on opposite ends of the masculine/feminine slider. As one increases the other decreases. Why is that? Because of things like testosterone, which in modern films, increasingly has little or no significance or doesn't exist at all. "In men, the testicles primarily make testosterone. Women’s ovaries also make testosterone, though in much smaller amounts." Despite what we're being told by leftists today, women don't have testicles, and therefore have much less testosterone than men. And we're all, if only subconsciously, aware of this biological fact. Thus, breasts and skinny arms don't convey strength, and body hair and large muscular arms don't convey femininity. The solution of the filmmakers to this quandary was a gender dichotomy (rampant in modern entertainment) that ends up conveying neither strength nor femininity. And being leftists, and therefore morons, they're completely at a loss as to why most people find that repulsive.
“If you’re at all enlightened, she’ll play like gangbusters. If you’re a closet misogynist, she’ll scare the fuck out of you, because she’s tough and strong but very feminine.”
That's director Tim Miller describing the blonde in the wife beater above. Despite all of their specious rhetoric, they knew if they cast a tranny in a prominent role, this film would bomb (even worse than it did). So their solution was to take an attractive girl (Mackenzie Davis) and make her unattractive (butch her up). She was too pretty, scrawny, and glabrous to convey strength, so they dressed her like a boy, gave her a boy's haircut, and had her do boy things ("tough and strong"), but named her "Grace" ("very feminine"). A conspicuously geriatric Linda Hamilton was decked in "tactical" accouterment, to counteract the subconscious recognition that osteoporosis, not futuristic murder machines, is the greatest threat to her health. Latina character so "diversity" box can be marked off.
I opined upon this at some length when the initial trailers for Dark Fate released. About how it's yet another example of a character being incongruent with the premise and setting in which they're placed. The character of Grace, who's basically been enhanced into a super soldier, makes zero sense. By enhancing a male you'd get a super solider that's superior in virtually every way; stronger, faster, etc. They'd be a better protector of the asset, and pose a greater threat to the enemy. Using a male would also be imperative if you've got diminutive resources; i.e., you can only produce one for whatever reason. Under those circumstances, not only should you select a man, but a man that's exceptional among men. Imagine being able to upgrade the performance of any car you want for an upcoming race and picking a Honda Civic over the McLaren. That's what the remnant of humanity known as "the resistance" did in this film. (No wonder they're losing.)
As I've articulated in the past, in reference to this character and others like her, there are highly situational applications in which a woman would be preferable.
"Women, simply by being women, have the potential to infiltrate and subvert in a manner men typically cannot. History is replete with examples, such as the story of Samson in the Bible, of women using their feminine wiles to ruin or destroy men. So I've no problem with a female assassin exploiting a man's natural inclination to be a defender of women, or lasciviousness, etc., to be his undoing."
But the antagonist in Dark Fate is not a man. It's a machine. You can't feign attraction, or exploit its morality or lack thereof, to facilitate betrayal. It can't be manipulated in that fashion. It's not subject to human emotions or impulses like love or lust. And if it was you'd want to send an attractive seductress, or someone who conveys weakness to elicit a protector response, not an androgynous termagant that may be found repulsive or threatening.
Arnold reprises his role, though as a more sensitive and caring variant of the original model, the Low T-800. He's deftly blended into modern western society, by taking a wife and supporting some other guy's kid, passing himself off as an average beta male. Much like He-Man the iconic male characters of the franchise have either been discarded, or relegated to an ancillary role that serves to prop up the "strong" women in the film.
Terminator: Dark fate (unintentionally) illustrates the psychosis and danger of the Marxist world view. It doesn't make men and woman better. Rather, it produces men and women who have the flaws of both sexes, and the strengths of neither. And makes clear that should the fate of humanity ever wrest in the hands of leftists, "diversity" and "inclusion" will utterly supersede pragmatic concerns, and someone like Lena Dunham or AOC would be sent back in time to save the world.
The worthless hacks behind Teela and Grace could learn a lot from the master class (by comparison) on female characterization that is Naomi Nagata.
Naomi is, unequivocally, one of the best female characters in all of modern fiction. Unlike Teela and Grace she retains her quintessential feminine attributes. She's nurturing, loves the men in her life, and often places their wellbeing over her own. Her character isn't obsessed with, nor even seems to care about, things like "strength." And yet she's played a pivotal role in literally saving the world. Not because she's a Mary Sue like Rey (from the Star Wars sequels), who inexplicably possesses an adroitness that surpasses all of the men around her, but because she has specific knowledge and skills that she's acquired, organically, as a consequence of the idiosyncratic circumstances of her life. She was born in space, she's lived on ships her entire life, and consequently knows a lot about how they function and maintaining them.
In the last season she's trapped on a ship in which the navigation and communication controls have been sabotaged. She goes through the painstaking process of repeatedly donning a space suit with no oxygen, to enter a compartment with no atmosphere (a vacuum), to send out a message using Morse Code. She's alone, she's tired, she's hungry, she's thirsty, and she's afraid. But her strength is her perseverance. Not some farcical quasi-masculinity.
Don't get me wrong. The Expanse, while being arguably the best Sci-Fi show on television right now (which isn't saying too much given the competition), is not perfect and contains plenty of SJW garbage. There were numerous times I just skipped (fast forwarded through) certain parts (e.g., the "lesbian" religious leader). But the writing is of a caliber that makes it far more palatable than vacuous schlock like Masters of the Universe or Dark Fate.
That being said I feel compelled to state that well made shows are the most dangerous, because they're the ones to which you'll repeatedly expose yourself, and be more inclined to share with your children. It's extremely difficult to get people in the west today to understand that something can be entertaining, funny, aesthetically pleasing, etc., and yet not be good for you.
"The visual media, film and television, are plainly the most powerful image-makers in Western civilization. The average American household watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan horse might be passed. [...] So far, gay Hollywood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream. Bit by bit over the past ten years, gay characters and gay themes have been introduced into TV programs and films (though often this has been done to achieve comedic and ridiculous affects). On the whole the impact has been encouraging." - The Overhauling of Straight America.
The left heavily uses "comedy" to surreptitiously advance its agenda. Because laughter makes people feel good. If you can get people to laugh at something bad or perverse, it will in time condition them to associate that (good) feeling with the (bad) thing, and mitigate its negative perception if not induce a positive one.
Anyway, He-Man and Terminator are merely illustrative tools, and not themselves the focus of this contribution per se. They're cited merely to convey how the excrement of Cultural Marxism now pervades virtually everything in the west. Movies, television, video games, comics, the media, education, etc. For a time it seemed video games and comics were spared, but those too have now succumbed, as Marxists have ascended to positions of prominence in those industries as well (and begun implementing "diversity" initiatives). They now exhibit the same conspicuous symptoms of subversion as all the rest: hyper-racial/cultural eclecticism, the substitution of lead male characters with female characters, the traditional feminine/beauty aesthetic of those female characters being replaced with ugly, or androgynous, if not gender contrary attributes, a drastic increase in the number of sexual deviant characters, an obsession with racial/gender issues, etc. Take Resident Evil for example. A video game in which all of the characters (to my recollection) were originally white. Here's the cast of the upcoming Netflix (same company behind He-Man) series.
Care to place bets on the sexual preferences, and issues near and dear to the hearts, of some of the characters? This is how utterly predictable, and therefore
boring, leftist devised entertainment is. I've seen talking head after talking head lament the fact these shows aren't even entertaining. And what they don't get is that they're
not meant to be. They're not "entertainment." They're Marxist indoctrination masquerading as entertainment. The film, show, video game, or comic is merely a vehicle to that end. They're being used as Trojan Horses to disseminate
Cultural Marxism, and old franchises from your past that you remember fondly make the best Trojan Horses. (That's why they keep remaking them.)
You wouldn't watch a new show, with new characters, titled "You were Born Racist and Misogynistic and Always Will Be." But if Luke Skywalker is your childhood hero, and he's changing his "pronouns" and has a boyfriend now, you'll hopefully be mere amenable. You'll be more likely at least to expose yourself, and potentially come back for repeat exposures, to the indoctrination. (This is why the He-Man marketing prominently featured He-Man and not Teela. None of the fans would have watched a show about lesbo Teela and her girlfriend. They needed He-Man to
expose you to lesbo Teela and her girlfriend.) New IPs by contrast tend to have a much harder time gaining access to and traction with older folks.
It's a new comic. It's bad. But he doesn't really understand why. He discerns the symptoms but not the source. As illustrated in my last contribution the ugliness to which he alludes could have very well been the result of a "board meeting." A board the head of which is a Communist Compliance (Diversity/Inclusion) Officer, or just outright packed with Marxist subversives whose mission is to:
"Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to 'eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.'" - The Naked Communist, Current Communist Goals.
It's no surprise to me he doesn't like it. These movies, TV shows, video games, and comics, are not for the "fans." Which is something their fandoms consistently fail to grasp, even though those that produce them at times outright say as much. Again, their purpose is not to entertain, but to indoctrinate. (If they happen to entertain anyway, it's usually just fortuitous.) And to that end who they're "for" is far more sinister. Your children. They're just exploiting your indifference or nostalgia to get to them.
The left is, and has always been, playing the long game. They hope Trojan Horsing this excrement within "entertainment" will result in it reaching your children, most of which will grow up consuming it in the same manner you did, unsupervised and without context. If you're a leftist yourself that outcome is guaranteed. If you're not odds are you'll just set your child in front of this garbage, assuming its the same thing or similar to what you know and love, and leave your child to it as you occupy yourself with other things. They don't really care about you. You will be dead soon. You being subverted by it just a bonus, because you'll assist them in subverting your children. The real payoff comes in twenty years when your child, who's been groomed into an intellectual and moral cripple by years of assiduous exposure to Cultural Marxist "entertainment," becomes another cog in the Marxist hegemony.
Virtually all of the traditionalists, or at least non-lunatics that produced the decent content of your childhood, are gone. They've either been subverted themselves, gradually replaced, driven out, or forced into tacit acceptance (to keep their jobs) by "diversity/inclusion" restructuring. These movies, television shows, video games, and comics are now being produced by people with a radically different worldview, who are themselves often the product of that worldview (which they're now amplifying). They're being produced by people that support transvestites reading children's books to toddlers under the pretext of advancing literacy, and teaching children about things like "fisting" in programs that are ostensibly for the purpose of "education." If you think they would never stoop to using cartoons or comic books as a Trojan Horse, you're either hopelessly deluded or hopelessly oblivious.
Which brings me to one of the far more insidious and repugnant aspects of Cultural Marxism. Its crusade to normalize sexual deviancy of all kinds, including pedophilia. As illustrated by prominent Marxist German "sexologist" and pederast, Helmut Kentler, who was allowed to foster children (which he molested), and place children with other pedophiles to be fostered (who were also molested), through a program sanctioned by the Socialist state. And their justification for this? Basically, if you oppose it, you're a Nazi."In the late sixties, educators in more than thirty German cities and towns began establishing experimental day-care centers, where children were encouraged to be naked and to explore one another’s bodies. [...] Kentler inserted himself into a movement that was urgently working to undo the sexual legacy of Fascism but struggling to differentiate among various taboos. [...] A few years later, Germany’s newly established Green Party, which brought together antiwar protesters, environmental activists, and veterans of the student movement, tried to address the 'oppression of children’s sexuality.' Members of the Party advocated abolishing the age of consent for sex between children and adults." - The German Experiment That Placed Foster Children With Pedophiles.
I'm not going to duplicate that entire work here. I've provided the source if you want to read it (and you should). But basically it delineates numerous parallels between the leftist movement for "sexual liberation" in Germany and the U.S., both of which construe any opposition to untrammeled hedonism as fascism/Nazism, and promote the sexualization and grooming of children. Something plainly increasing as our society becomes more "Socialist."
The notion that "sexual repression" (opposition to sexual deviancy) and an aversion to critical race theory, is associated with and/or a product of "fascism," has been a rather conspicuous component of Marxist thought for (at least) decades (e.g., the Frankfurt School). And we're seeing the ascendency of that notion here in the U.S., signified by growing if not complete destigmatization of such beliefs and behaviors, and less need for predators (both ideological and physical) to groom children personally, because the cultural hegemony, and even the parents, do it for them. The U.S. is becoming a place where parents either surrender their children to others to be mentally/physically molested, or do it themselves at the behest of the "experts" (Helmut Kentlers) ostensibly comprising the "scientific" establishment.
Today's "entertainment" and "science," has "liberal" white "ally" mom mind raping her children at home, in addition to their daily indoctrination by the tube and the schools.
"Black women, uh, from what I've learned, uh, have done nothing but ever fight for, um, our liberation, um, th-th-that's like, those are facts. Those, those are literal facts." - Karen, lesbian POC whisperer.
I suppose she's right in a sense. Last year in Seattle, for example, black women were among the Marxist revolutionaries leading the "historic" charge to liberate white people from their homes.
You know, when they weren't dispensing protracted diatribes in which they essentially declared that they're okay with destroying our entire civilization and killing us all. (But we're the "fascists.")
It's no coincidence we've seen an exponential increase in
sexual deviancy, white guilt,
and the number of virtue signaling soy boys promoting women's issues, and neon haired Karens ardently defending "POC." They're merely doing what they've been told to do, from every direction, for most of their lives at this point. The creator of the new He-Man show, Kevin Smith, doesn't realize he's a perfidious iconoclastic scumbag. (Or likely doesn't anyway.) He thinks he was
just being a good "ally" when he increased the "representation" of women in his show (i.e., his workplace).
"Another major obstacle to working-class unity is capitalist class–promoted misogyny and male supremacy. Misogyny, the hatred and disrespect of women, wage discrimination, employment segregation, and male supremacy must be fought by all—full unity will be built only when substantial numbers of working-class men participate in the fight for full equality and against misogyny and male supremacy. [....] They should speak out when they see gender discrimination and advocate in a way that wins other men to the fight for gender equality. They should take an initiating role in combating all instances of sexism and male supremacy in the labor and people’s movements as well as in the family." - Communist Party Platform, The Road to Socialism.
Karen was just being a good "ally" when she denounced, and sided against her own people, in defense of "POC."
"Members of the working class who are white must take an initiating and leading role in combating all instances of racism and national oppression wherever and whenever they occur and provide support to people of color." - Communist Party Platform, The Road to Socialism.
She doesn't know she's crazy. Everything she sees and hears, virtually every day, is encouraging her to denounce white people, to denounce herself, her country, etc., and defend people who hate her, and seek only to exploit her, before discarding her. (She'd probably love Masters of the Universe: Revelation.)
Kevin, Karen, and those like them are products of Cultural Marxism, euphemistically peddled as "critical race theory," "representation," "diversity & inclusion," "LGBTQ rights," etc., by virtually every government agency, form of entertainment, and media outlet in the west. The coalescence of which comprises a comprehensive and assiduous brainwashing apparatus, that produces people so deluded they care about nothing that actually matters, and so obsessed with and terrified of specious, hyperbolic, and outright illusory crises like "white supremacy," "patriarchy," "climate change," "germs," "gun violence," et al., they're willing to accept (and even demand) the complete regulation of every facet of human life for the ostensible purpose of extirpating them. Racism, they surmise, would be vanquished if we passed another law. The "climate" would stop doing what it's always done and will do (changing) if we passed another law. We'd all be safe from germs if we passed another law. Murder ceasing to exist? Another law.
The perfect society is (forever) just one law away. Achievable only through the interminable accretion of arbitrary power in a centralized state run by unaccountable bureaucrats. And thus any obstacle to that goal (like your freedom) must be eliminated. Anyone who would impede the reification of this noble objective? A monster that must be swept aside. And to do that they need to silence and disarm you.
It needs to be understood the left, despite what it says, despite what your stupid "liberal" friends say, has no interest in dissent or coexistence. "Racial justice" is the name for
fascism among the ignorant and dimwitted. And "balancing free speech with racial justice" is Marxist code for
suppressing speech in disparity with the Communist Platform.
Notice the raised clenched fist salute by the way.
"The clenched-fist salute [...] has been the official salute of all Communist Parties throughout the world." - John Lautner, Communist Party USA, 1970.
So shut up, and give up your guns, you racist. Give up your companies, your jobs, your homes, your dignity, etc. This is what "critical theory" looks and sounds like. Interminable criticism of anything and everything about your enemy.
People see things like this and think it's crazy or silly. It's not. It serves a purpose. Remember what the Communist cell was told above. Replace beautiful things with ugly things. Elevate mediocrity by promoting stupidity, ugliness, vulgarity, immorality, etc. Discourage excellence by attacking and shaming substance, beauty, eloquence, piety, etc. Fit, healthy women, are attractive. Make them sick and ugly.
Lower standards. Make everything so ugly, vacuous, and perverse, it destroys any basis for individual or collective pride (demoralizes them), Make them ashamed of their history, and who they are ("critical race theory"), and they won't fight to defend it or themselves when attacked. They won't risk their lives to defend a heritage, culture, and country of which they're deeply ashamed. They'll even be driven by (white) guilt or delusion to help destroy it.
Before going I'll say one more thing. Leftists portray themselves as the virtuous downtrodden banding together to fight the evil privileged. They're not. That portrayal is a lie. Which should be obvious given how quickly and easily these people (e.g., AOC), once placed in positions of prominence, become comfortable with lives of power and privilege. A more accurate analogy would be a bunch of weakling thieves, banding together to overpower and rob a larger, stronger man. As I've said before, Socialism is
theft, masquerading as altruism. It is the ideology of
thieves. (
Lenin and Stain were bank robbers.) The left is a movement of deadbeat thieving losers banding together to destroy and rob those against which they can't compete.

These people don't even want to get jobs. They can't build wealth. They can't build and run companies. They only way they can achieve these things is by taking them from someone who did. Because redistribution of wealth, jobs, privilege, etc., is the Marxist way. They cannot compete with you on a level playing field. They have to change the rules to handicap you. They cannot win the debate. They have to silence you. They cannot defeat you in open conflict. They have to disarm you. Etc., etc., etc. Socialists are thieving losers. Never forget that.
Anyway, that's enough for now. Perhaps more in the future.
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