Wednesday, February 27, 2019

An idiot's guide to becoming a Nazi

Brianna here shot an M16. This, in addition to multiple other ridiculous claims, is what she took away from the experience. As stated in the past, on multiple occasions on my social media,"official records show that 800,000 were shot in the Soviet Union between 1930 and 1952" under Russian Socialism. Under German Socialism the Einsatzgruppen "murdered around two million Jews in mass shootings in less than a year." In one solitary instance "about 42,000 Jews were shot" in just two days. Now, name for me any civilian gun owner, or slew of them, that have murdered 42,000 people with their privately owned "civilian" firearms in just two days.

Most I surmise are aware that millions were killed in the Holocaust, but fewer I would wager are aware that "of the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, about 40 percent were killed in mass shootings." In the interest of providing context, it would take 153 years for gun homicide in the U.S., based upon the 2015 figure provided by the CDC, to rival the number of Jews shot by German Socialists in less than 1 year. It also needs to be observed that the Einsatzgruppen were an assortment of German military units and police, among others. You know, the people that are supposed to "protect" you, once you're disarmed. You know, the only ones that should have guns, according to American leftists like Brianna here.

Brianna isn't trying to make us safer. She's literally paving the way for genocide, as usual, under the brazenly deluded belief that our own government (that's both sanctioned and subsidized the extermination of 60 million children; possible only because they have no means to defend themselves) would "never" do something like that. And in response to that assertion the obvious question to be posed, is what do you do when those "trained soldiers" with "assault rifles" come to take your house and kill you? Because that's exactly what happened to the Jews. The Jews were systematically disarmed by the German Socialist government for "public safety," and thus when they "needed" these weapons most, had no means by which to "defend their homes" when the German military/police came for them. 

So millions of Jews died, as a direct result of precisely what Brianna is proposing, based upon precisely the same specious rationale. Civilians didn't "need" these weapons; no one "needs" them to protect their home. Only trained soldiers "need" them. And they "need" the fully automatic versions, not the semi-automatic 10 round capacity magazine versions, because the latter significantly impedes the efficacy of mass murdering throngs of political dissidents. It frankly never ceases to amaze me that 42,000 concentration camps, and 6,000,000 dead Jews later, people are still parroting the exact same authoritarian tripe that caused the Holocaust, and the deaths of tens of millions of others in the 20th century. 

So, just to be clear, if history has taught us nothing else it's taught us at least 2 things.

No entity on earth has killed more people with guns than government.

No one does "mass" shootings bigger and better than the proponents of "gun control."

This is the problem with abject historical ignorance. As the adage goes, those who forget the past, are doomed to repeat it. And apparently American leftists will not be content until we do indeed repeat it, and suffer our own comparable genocide, the fruition of which was facilitated at every turn by credulous and useful idiots.

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