Friday, February 22, 2019

The mating of morons

(This is derived from a response to a "libertarian" on the topic of infanticide.)

The first in order and importance of all rights, is the right to life, which is the right from which all others are derived and upon which all others are contingent. A person who is against the right to life, it may be said with no ambiguity, is the enemy of all liberty period. As there can be no other liberty without that first and most fundamental liberty. And this observation is nothing more than a repetition of those values plainly and unequivocally proclaimed in the Declaration which states:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men [...] are endowed by their Creator," with certain unalienable Rights, [...] among these (is) Life."
What does "unalienable" mean?
"Not capable of being taken away or denied." - Definition of unalienable. 
We are, at the moment of creation, by our creator endowed with the unalienable right to life. Not conferred by our mother at birth with that right. And as previously illustrated, the Constitution was "established," as it plainly states, to convey those rights to "posterity."
"We the People of the United States, in Order to [...] secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Supporters of infanticide plainly believe that life is not an unalienable right, and in doing so, have rejected the entire philosophical basis for American liberty and governance, which was devised and established to protect the rights of the people, of which the right to "life" is paramount.

But self-evident truths aside, a more empirical and chronologically contiguous inquiry would reveal it's no exaggeration whatsoever, to say abortion supporters are Nazis. The Nazis were Socialists who staunchly supported eugenics, and killed millions of people in pursuit of that philosophy, and so are American leftists. The National Socialists of Germany began their genocide campaign (Aktion T4) with children also, and their eugenics initiatives were likewise veiled in specious "reproductive" and "family planning" rhetoric (e.g., Lebensborn). Abortion in the U.S. was pioneered by racists and Nazi sympathizers who wanted to wipe out blacks and poor people. Margaret Sanger, the founder of what is now Planned Parenthood, was an ostentatious racist who gave speeches at KKK meetings. Sanger wrote a book expressing views that are indistinguishable in substance from those expressed by Hitler in Mein Kampf; the language used by the latter approaching a nigh verbatim reproduction of the former at some points.
"The most urgent problem to-day is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective. [....] The most responsible and most intelligent members of society are the less fertile; that the feeble-minded are the more fertile. Herein lies the unbalance, the great biological menace to the future of civilization. [....] The mating of a moron with a person of sound stock [...] undermines the vigor and efficiency of an entire nation and an entire race." - Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, 1922. 
"The inferior always predominates numerically over the best, if both had the same possibility of preserving life and propagating, the inferior would multiply so much more rapidly that in the end the best would inevitably be driven into the background, unless a correction of this state of affairs were undertaken. [...] In every mingling of Aryan blood with that of lower peoples the result was the end of the cultured people." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 1925.
The genocide perpetrated by the Nazis, though perhaps not what Sanger explicitly proposed, was the natural and inevitable outcome of the values to which she ostentatiously subscribed. Sanger makes it clear government intervention is imperative to prevent the catastrophic consequences of "morons" mating untrammeled.
"We now have state commissions for controlling the gipsy-moth and the boll weevil, the foot-and-mouth disease, and for protecting the shell-fish and wild game, but we have no commission which even attempts to modify or to control the vast moral and economic forces represented by the feeble-minded persons at large in the community. [....] Surely it is an amazing and discouraging phenomenon that the very governments that have seen fit to interfere in practically every phase of the normal citizen's life, dare not attempt to restrain, either by force or persuasion, the moron and the imbecile from producing his large family of feeble-minded offspring.- Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, 1922.
Hitler's Socialist government was merely the reification, intentional or not, of Sanger's principles. 
"We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." - Margaret Sanger, to Dr. Clarence Gamble, December 19, 1939.

German eugenicists, like Sanger, were also arguing that "economic savings justified the killing of 'useless lives' ('idiots' and 'congenitally crippled')," the outcome of which was likewise systematic mass-murder conducted by the state.
"Between 200,000 and 250,000 mentally and physically handicapped persons were murdered from 1939 to 1945 under the T-4 and other 'euthanasia' programs." - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 
As anyone not suffering some form of cognitive impairment will immediately recognize, abortion is the "correction" to the problem of the "inferior always predominat(ing) numerically over the best," described by Hitler. And it's still serving that purpose today. According to the census of 1860, slaves accounted for 12.6% of the population. "As of July 2016 [...] African Americans are [...] an estimated 12.7% of the population." The modern "abortion" movement is merely a substitute for the oversight, or control upon the number of "the feeble-minded persons at large in the community," once provided by the slave master.

The Democrats may not be able to wipe blacks out, but they clearly can "control" their numbers, and keep them a permanent minority from which they benefit almost exclusively in a political capacity. A circumstance remarkably similar to that which existed in antebellum America, in which the master managed the reproduction of his black slaves, and observing that their number had grown too large for extirpation resolved to keep them in bondage (control) forever. As I've observed for many years even modern Democrat opposition to school vouchers, which prevents black children from escaping failing schools, is rooted in slave era Democrat policies designed to control blacks and keep them in a state of perpetual inferiority and dependency upon their master.
"The mass of slaves is too great for any expectation of their ever being removed from the country to be entertained. [....] The Americans of the South, who do not admit that the negroes can ever be commingled with themselves, have forbidden them to be taught to read or to write, under severe penalties; and as they will not raise them to their own level, they sink them as nearly as possible to that of the brutes." - Alexis De Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Future Condition Of Three Races.
Every time a few people are shot somewhere in America, we're told by the left that America is suffering from a gun-homicide "epidemic." While simultaneously these same people are methodically liquidating millions of innocents, about 3,000 a day (enough to surpass the annual gun homicide tally in about 4 days), away from public scrutiny (to avoid inducing public aversion) in facilities specifically designed for the perpetration of genocide. You know, just like the Nazis. And they even defend it with the same specious rationale. It's okay because those aren't "people" being killed. They're something else; something less than human; just like those pesky Jews. And being sub-human they have no right to life, or any other right, as such.

American Socialists have with their eugenics program murdered people with an efficiency, and to an extent, that would render the Nazis fawning with envy. Indeed, the wanton killing perpetrated by American Socialists renders the genocide of the Nazis a spectacle of restraint and moderation by comparison. American Socialists took the basic model they provided, and mastered it, if not made of it an art form. But its origins go still much farther back, and like most of Socialist ideology, is merely the rehashed and relabeled tripe of pagan antiquity. And, again, that's not hyperbole to any extent. The predilection among high ranking German National Socialists for, and even participation in, pagan mythoi and customs is well known. A not insignificant portion of the Reich's "weltanschauung" was predicated upon such, and it was conspicuously incorporated into the Reich's iconography and propaganda in efforts to efface and supplant the preexisting German culture, in a manner not at all dissimilar to the assiduous campaign of traditional cultural eradication being perpetrated by Socialists in America today.

Infanticide was a staple of more than one ancient pagan religion. And both the Greeks and Romans, for example, allowed for the discarding of unwanted children in certain designated locations (today known as "abortion clinics" or some other vile euphemism), where they were simply left to their fate, and often died to exposure, starvation, or the predation of animals. Had they possessed the medical capabilities to terminate pregnancies prior to giving birth they certainly would have employed them "liberally." But they didn't so they just abandoned them. Also of note is that both Greeks and Romans didn't consider babies "full" people, for lack of a better description, until about a week and half after their birth (following a naming ceremony and whatnot). So stories like the one posted immediately below tell you a lot about where our society is heading philosophically and morally.

The notion that being anti-abortion contradicts property rights is the all too typical, and banal, leftist and liberal-tarian sophistry. The child's body is not the woman's property. That he resides in the mother is a circumstance resulting from the mother's actions and not his own. Women have no right to an exemption from their physiology. The purpose of sex is procreation. Period. That's what it does; it makes babies. There is no such thing as an "accidental" or "unintended" pregnancy. Being shocked you're pregnant after having sex is tantamount to someone being shocked they have to take a dump after eating a meal. As anyone with a functioning brain well knows, that's what eating does. Anyone that estranged to basic human physiology, needs a refresher biology course, not affirmation. But of course, leftists have pretty much precluded ignorance as an excuse, by making "sex education" mandatory in schools across the country. Even children know what sex does now.

If women don't want to have a baby, then they should be abstinent. To believe women have a right to have sex without having a baby is, again using anatomical analogy, tantamount to me claiming I have the right to eat at the buffet without taking a dump. But imagine I don't just stop there. I further demand an entire quasi-medical infrastructure should be erected, solely for the purpose of granting me surgical procedures on demand that preemptively remove the feces from my colon before my bowels evacuate themselves naturally, purely to spare me the inconvenience of wiping my ass. Such a belief would be the absolute height of solipsistic delusion. Which is, not surprisingly, something routinely on display among infanticide supporters.

We're talking about organizations that literally dismember and sell the babies for parts, and yet they still have the audacity to claim it's about "womens' health."

The notion that "liberals" are "progressive," would be to even a neophyte historian, farcical. None of their platform is "new" or "modern." Virtually everything they believe and support is obsolete excrement derived from failed pagan civilizations. Far from from seeking to move society forward, they're moving it backwards by millennia. And how did they do it? By merely changing the label. People in America will imbibe neo-pagan Socialism without compunction, so long as you call it "liberalism," or "progress," or "equality," etc., because lacking any genuine knowledge they're incapable of making distinctions between one thing and another. And those that are able, are prohibited from doing so by their government through "anti-discrimination" laws, in which the state literally bans people from acknowledging the difference between things (i.e., a state that tells its citizens what to think). The United States government, thanks to the left, can literally command you not to acknowledge or even discern reality. Which is a feature of tyrannical leftist governments if ever there was one.

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