Sunday, July 26, 2020

Siding with the fed, in this instance, is the pro-liberty choice

So, "Libertarians" who've asserted federal supremacy on the issue of gun rights, for my entire life, are now siding with Communist revolutionaries against the federal government. Despite the fact the state/local governments where these riots are taking place, are Democrat run Socialist enclaves that have systematically disarmed their citizens, and which support far worse gun control than the fed under the current administration.

The Democrats in the state/local governments have disarmed the people, leaving them unable to defend themselves from the Communist terrorists roaming the streets, destroying property at will. The Democrats in the state/local governments, which by disarming them have necessarily assumed the responsibility of their defense, are refusing to defend them because those Communist terrorists are operating under the auspices of the Democrat Party. And despite all this droves of self-professed "Libertarians" and pro-2A activists, are imbibing the specious Marxist rhetoric and siding with the Communists against the Fed; the only branch of government currently doing anything to protect these people's property rights.

The notion that "the militia" would side with the commies is farcical. The militia, if it existed in these cities in any form comparable to that which existed at the Founding, would be assisting the Fed against the Communists. Because it would almost certainly be "employed in the Service of the United States," given the dereliction of the state/local governments and the ostentatious Communist insurrection that's transpiring, to "suppress Insurrections." And because its members would be motivated in no small part to take that side by personal interest, as Communist revolutionaries would be destroying the property of the very people, e.g., local citizens and business owners, that comprised the militia.

Is it supposed to mean something to me when a "veteran" sides with Communists? As if veterans never get it wrong? As if the most notorious traitors in human history, e.g., Caeser, Napoleon, Benedict Arnold, Hitler, et al., didn't wear the uniforms of their country. As if the nascent Nazi Party in Germany wasn't thronged with World War 1 veterans? As if Bowe Bergdahl didn't side with Al Qaeda? As if you're a "good" commie, cause you wore the uniform of your country, unlike that "bad" commie Stalin?

Since when have leftists cared about soldiers or veterans? Am I the only one who remembers the left calling them evil, colonial, baby-killers fighting "racist" wars for oil just a couple of decades ago? Am I the only one who remembers them portraying soldiers as "racist" monsters for taking pictures of terrorists with bags on their heads? Vietnam anyone? There's simply no excuse for this level of amnesiac stupidity.
"The Bush administration strips the people of the Middle East of their humanity and removes the ground for diplomacy, negotiation, and peaceful resolution of outstanding conflicts. It also gives itself a cover to pursue its policy of unrivaled world domination, and gives the green light to its strategic allies, like Israel, to recklessly wield their own military might in the Middle East not to mention reinforces to the extreme racist stereotypes and racial profiling and the curtailment of democracy in our land. Given the awesome power of new military technologies and weapons conventional and nuclear humankind must reject this invented and false vision of the world and impose a new logic of peace, justice, and respect for national sovereignty on the Bush administration and, for that matter, all states and movements in the world." - Communist Party, The Middle East in Crisis, July 28, 2006.
They vilified soldiers then, to advance their agenda, and vilify cops now to the same end. They used every specious argument imaginable to handicap our troops against foreign enemies then, and they use every specious argument imaginable to handicap our police against domestic enemies now. The left cares about soldiers, or cops, or babies to the extent they're useful as propaganda fodder or bullet fodder. (Mother doesn't want you? You're not a person, and your death is celebrated. Killed in a "school shooting?" Your death as bullet fodder is now useful for banning guns, so they pretend to mourn you for weeks on end.) To any soldier willing to serve in either capacity, I say you are no patriot or friend of my liberties. Serving your country yesterday doesn't excuse selling it out today. That mentality is why the perennially treacherous John McCain was reelected for years and years before dying in office with an F rating. 

Do I have concerns? Yes. But an uncertain future under a president who's not openly endorsing Communist terrorist organizations on Twitter, is preferable to serving the interests of a (Democrat) party willing to burn cities to win an election, and the certain tyranny that will result from helping Communists overthrow our current government.

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