Monday, August 10, 2020

Antifa and BLM are Communist organizations

I wish I could say things have gotten better since I originally posted on these matters. But the number of "Libertarians," insufferable cretins that they are, openly supporting Communist terrorist organizations, and posting the shamelessly duplicitous rhetoric of leftists, has only seemed to increase. As stated previously, there's a reason I have never supported Antifa/BLM and their "movement," and never will.

Notice anything? The same cretin concerned about "martial law" today, was less than a year ago supporting mass gun confiscation. (In a post that has since been deleted.) These people are snakes. They don't care about freedom. They're not for smaller government. They're not pro-gun. They're not anti-authoritarianism. They're not even really anti-cop. They are, like all Marxists, whatever they need to be, and will say whatever they need to say, to get what they want. As I've said for many years, Marxism is a relativistic ideology. Leftists, as such, do not believe in absolutes or have indelible principles. "Right" is whatever benefits them at the time. "Wrong" is whatever doesn't benefit them at the time. That's all the morality they practice. And that's why they routinely fundamentally contradict themselves like this guy. Yesterday they were against guns. But today they need them, and don't have any (because they elected officials who disarmed them), so they want you to use yours to advance their cause.

And they're not just this way in regard to guns, they're this way with everything.

Again, notice anything? David went from opposing a "national security threat" to supporting it. Why? Because David is a leftist, leftists have no concrete principles, and David is anti-Trump. Yesterday defending Tik Tok didn't serve his anti-Trump agenda. Today it does. So now he defends what he once rebuked. It cannot be emphasized enough that all leftists do this, and as such are utterly unreliable, and can never be trusted. There are countless other examples (not always from Democrats), but I think I've made my point. If you're wondering how David can be a Marxist, when he rebuked "spyware" utilized by a Marxist state in a post, then you haven't been paying attention. But there will be more on that in a future contribution.

But back to Nathan. As I said when he first posted this nonsense, if we follow Nathan's reasoning (first post), the Underground Railroad should not have existed. Anyone involved in it was a "criminal" in violation of the Fugitive Slave Act passed by Congress. 

"Any person who shall knowingly and willingly [...] harbor or conceal such fugitive, so as to prevent the discovery and arrest of such person, after notice or knowledge of the fact that such person was a fugitive from service or labor as aforesaid, shall, for either of said offences, be subject to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and imprisonment not exceeding six months." - Fugitive Slave Act, 1850.

According to Nathan, you couldn't call yourself a "law abiding" American, if your response to mandatory slave recovery laws was harboring, concealing, or helping escaped slaves evade capture. "Either you'd follow the law and turn in" that escaped slave, or you'd be "an irresponsible criminal."

See, concepts like malum in se and malum prohibitum, are clearly beyond the comprehension of pseudo-intellectual hacks like Nathan, who don't understand that people rendered "criminals" through the latter by a tyrannical state, aren't any more genuine criminals than those who refused to swear the Oath of Supremacy under King Henry VIII. There's a difference between being a criminal as a result of doing something wrong, and being made a criminal purely by edict for refusing to submit to violations of your rights. The crime is not committing gun violenceas even those who haven't done so are "criminals," in Nathan's eyes. So the kind of "criminal" to which he's referring (first post) is clearly the latter (by edict). The real "crime" for Nathan is refusing to submit and pledge fealty to the state; at least when his party controls it. So, less than year ago Nathan was proclaiming that gun owners should submit to the state or be branded "criminals." Today? They're arguing the complete opposite. Now they claim to be victims of the very thing they supported just a few months ago. Now it's your civic duty to resist the state, with guns, because when it's a law they don't like being enforced it's "fascism," "martial law," etc.

And notice (second post) how he defends "cancel culture?" Basically, you shouldn't be worried about us doxing you, getting you fired, and wanting to throw you in jail for disagreeing with us; that's not a problem. You should be worried about us being arrested and jailed for vandalism, assault, arson, blinding people with lasers, using IEDs, etc. That's "fascism" guys!

Moving on, I have had numerous Democrats and "Libertarians," - which, let's be honest, is just a word that means pro-gun Democrat at this point - denying that Antifa and BLM are Communist organizations. 

Even after I point out to them that one of the founders of BLM, openly states that both her and co-founder Alicia are Communists, and that the organization operates upon a Marxist ideological framework. And that it's openly promoted and supported by Communist entities in general.

One sees the Communist fist being displayed in the last photo, which is the logo of BLM, and which has also been displayed by David Hogg.

It seems many "Libertarians" would prefer to go around absurdly claiming that Communists, openly parading their Communism, aren't Communists rather than admit they're the ostentatiously ignorant pawns they are. 

The Communist roots of Antifa, or "Antifaschistische Aktion" as it was known in Germany, are well known. Founded by members of the Communist Party of Germany, to oppose their political rivals, The National Socialist German Workers Party. I use the word "rival," as opposed to enemy, because both were Socialists, vying for power within the same country, rather than ideologically antithetically opposed factions. The Nazis eventually prevailed, and merely did to the Communists what the Communists would have done to the Nazis, had the Communists prevailed. Communists went on to kill exponentially more people than the Nazis, however, and are objectively far worse than the Nazis. 

I've said it before and will say it again. Compared to the tyranny and genocide of Communists, the Nazis were rank amateurs.

Communists have been highly successful at obfuscating this fact, by simply not teaching and refusing to ever acknowledge it. They interminably vilify "fascists," a term (in the modern parlance) used by leftists to conceal that the Nazis were Socialists (leftists), while omitting and revising their own history of unparalleled dystopian oppression and genocide. Communists calling people "fascists" is farcical, and akin to a professional bank robber calling a pick pocket a "thief." The point being the people who identify as "Antifa," are openly proclaiming their association with a far more genocidal ideology than "fascism," but are consistently too stupid to know it. But more on this in a future post.

In closing. Antifa and BLM are Communist revolutionary terrorist organizations, and anyone who associates with or supports them in any way is a collaborator.

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