The manipulation and corruption of language is an integral component of modern Marxism. Leftists always claim "good" titles for themselves and apply "bad" titles to their opposition to obfuscate their real agenda and induce moral inversion. What is the argument being used by all Antifa members/supporters, as illustrated above, when one observes their beliefs and behavior are fascistic? We can't be Fascists because our name is anti-fascists. Basically, we're the good guys club. How can you not think we're the good guys? It's literally our name. If you're not with us, you are by default a bad guy, and must be in the bad guy's club.
It's common for Marxists to call themselves something other than, or the opposite of, what they actually are. (See Fabian Socialism.) This is why Antifa, calls themselves "Antifa," despite behaving more like the Fascists of Germany than any right-wing opposition they denigrate as Fascists. On the Kristallnacht for example, "Crystal Night," so called for "the shards of broken glass that littered the streets after the windows of Jewish-owned stores, buildings and synagogues were smashed," Nazi rioters vandalized, looted, and destroyed thousands of Jewish businesses and other property.
The Nazis burned synagogues.
Antifa burns Bibles.
Communist Democrat mobs have been congregating outside of the homes of political opponents to harass and intimate them, just like the Klan (a Democrat organization) used to do to black people, for months.
Same old conduct and tactics. New labels.
Antifa, BLM, the Portland protesters, etc., are openly racist Socialist movements that support an all powerful national government. (They're only opposed to federal law enforcement currently due to circumstance; i.e., because they don't control it and it is therefore not in service to their agenda. This opposition will evaporate as soon as the Marxist Democrats regain control of it.) They're the ones violently clashing with police like the nascent National Socialist Party in Germany. I mean, how clueless does one have to be, to think a group of people that have been supporting the augmentation of federal power in virtually every way for generations, are "anti-government" because they suddenly purport to be against it the one time it's not serving their interests? Such abject naivete is indicative of a society that is hopelessly incapable of discernment and self-determination (morons).
As stated in a prior contribution Communists have gone on to kill vastly more people than the Nazis. They are the true heirs of Fascism. There have been numerous genocidal Communist states since World War 2. And the only "Fascist" states that have existed since, or exist now, are Communist states. Such as the CCP, that employed ostentatiously racist policies in the nascent stages of the COVID-19 outbreak, and keeps millions in concentration camps as organ harvesting stock. The notion that Communists (Antifa) are against tyranny, racism, or genocide is utterly laughable to anyone that actually knows history.
It must be understood that the difference between Socialists, Communists, Fascists, etc., is purely semantical. Besides the labels there is little disparity of substance. The only people who don't understand this, are the abject ignoramuses that comprise the Occidental left.
"The banner of Socialism with Chinese characteristics is now flying high and proud. It offers Chinese wisdom and a Chinese approach to solving the problems facing mankind." - Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, October 2017.
Classical Communism is state control of the means of production. Classical Socialism is the people controlling the means of prediction. The pursuit of the latter always has resulted, and always will result, in the former. As illustrated in a previous contribution the Founders predicted as much. Although Marx had not yet been born, and the "Communist" movement we know today did not yet exist, the sins on which it is based, e.g., envy, covetousness, bearing false witness, et al., are innate to man and have existed as long as he has.
"Suppose a nation, rich and poor, high and low, ten millions in number, all assembled together; not more than one or two millions will have lands, houses, or any personal property; if we take into the account the women and children, or even if we leave them out of the question, a great majority of every nation is wholly destitute of property, except a small quantity of clothes, and a few trifles of other movables. [...] If all were to be decided by a vote of the majority, the eight or nine millions who have no property, would not think of usurping over the rights of the one or two millions who have? Property is surely a right of mankind as really as liberty. Perhaps, at first, prejudice, habit, shame or fear, principle or religion, would restrain the poor from attacking the rich, and the idle from usurping on the industrious; but the time would not be long before courage and enterprise would come, and pretexts be invented by degrees, to countenance the majority in dividing all the property among them, or at least, in sharing it equally with its present possessors. Debts would be abolished first; taxes laid heavy on the rich, and not at all on the others; and at last a downright equal division of every thing be demanded, and voted. What would be the consequence of this? The idle, the vicious, the intemperate, would rush into the utmost extravagance of debauchery, sell and spend all their share, and then demand a new division of those who purchased from them." - John Adams, The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States, Charles Francis Adams, editor (Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1851), Vol. VI, p. 9.
If this sounds familiar it's only because it's something pretty much every Democrat now openly advocates.
Socialism is a fantasy Communists peddle to the ignorant and dimwitted, to manipulate them into facilitating the establishment of Communism. Tell people you want to take all of their property and enslave them and they won't support you. Tell them you want to give them other people's property (that they'll own the means of production) and, as seen above, they'll obliviously empower the state in the pursuit of that fantasy in perpetuity.
There exists a pervasive delusion among the ignorant that Socialists, Communists, Fascists, etc., can't be the same thing because they disagree on things and even kill one another. This is false. Socialists have disagreed, and violently, repeatedly throughout Socialism's brief history. (Stalin's purges, the Night of the Long Knives, etc.) Not unlike the different sects of Christianity, whose disparate interpretations of Scripture resulted in not only disagreement, but brutal conflict and repression (escape from which is the reason the United States exists), Socialists have likewise killed one another over differing interpretations of Socialist theory (each believing their own the true/superior interpretation). Much like the Christian sects who killed each other were all Christian, or the Sunni and Shiite are both Muslim, Socialists, Communists, and Fascists, though they may hate each other, all reside under the same umbrella of Socialism. They are competing Socialist sects.