Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Both parties are a consortium of hypocrites.

I certainly never thought the GoP was perfect. But I never thought I'd see the abject hypocrisy on display in the GoP I do today either. It rivals anything I've ever seen from the left. Republican shills are engorging themselves like rabid piranha on the Harvey Weinstein scandal, seeking to tie him to Hillary, Obama, and the Democrats in any way, all the while ignoring the fact they ardently support a man who was also tied to the Clintons and engaged in similar behavior to Weinstein.

It's amazing how the defense of Trump's past sexual abuse form his supporters today, is essentially the same as that dispensed by supporters of Bill Clinton in the nineties. Both are heavily predicated upon highly self-serving subjective and/or semantical gymnastics. Did Donald Trump engage in sexual abuse? That depends on what your definition of "sexual" and "abuse" is.

According to Donald Trump in 2005, if you're someone of prominence in the entertainment industry, "you can do anything" to women without consequence. A sentiment Harvey Weinstein plainly shared, and one Trump dispensed when he was likewise in "show business." But rest assured a Trump supporter's interpretation of "you can do anything" will be significantly different than yours.

It's just amazing to see how the GoP has come full circle, from finding such conduct grounds for resignation in the nineties to having no problem with it whatsoever today, proving unequivocally they're abject pawns of the pernicious two party system. The Trump GoP today has become the Democrat party of 1998 on this issue, even dispensing the same rhetoric in defense of their party leader as the latter. Both view the criticism of their party leader as a politically motivated "witch hunt," which it clearly is to a significant degree in both instances, and ignore the fact their party is flagrantly guilty of the same thing. They're far too busy opposing, and being motivated almost exclusively by hatred for each other, to be concerned with things like adhering to a consistent and intellectually honest ethical standard. Indeed, the only interest either of them has in fighting sexual abuse, is the extent to which it may be used to damage the other party. Because as both illustrate, when it's their guy doing it, neither has any interest in fighting it. Worse, they even defend the perpetrator.

If I walked to up a Trump supporter's wife or daughter, and grabbed their vagina, they'd probably want to kill me. But apparently if I insulted Hillary Clinton prior to doing so they'd be okay with it. Because grabbing womens' vaginas is only wrong when people who ostensibly like Hillary Clinton do it. Trump supporters will never admit they're slaves to their party however; most of them are conspicuously oblivious to that fact. Instead they'll provide all manner of (often farcically) specious defenses of Trump, contrived to establish how Trump's behavior isn't the same or as bad as Weinstein's or Clinton's. They'll cite things like Trump's apology, except Bill Clinton apologized too, but they've not let him off the hook. They'll argue the frequency or type of Trump's abuse is not as bad; i.e., the "lesser of two evils." So if they'll admit any impropriety took place at all, they'll actually argue it's better to support Trump because he's less rapey than Democrats like Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein.

Here's the thing. I don't want a party that doesn't approve of
as much sexual impropriety as the Democrats. I want a party that doesn't support candidates who've engaged in egregious sexual impropriety at all. (If the GoP can't manage that then it says a lot about the current state of the GoP.) Because doing so only serves to erode, if not destroy, your party's own moral authority. Which is plainly what Donald Trump running on the Republican ticket was always meant to accomplish.

I said way back during Trump's campaign, that Trump only ran to keep legitimate Constitutional Conservatives like Cruz and Paul (both of which had phenomenal records), out of office. He's a crass, vulgar man, who degrades everything with which he comes into contact. He degraded the presidential debates by turning them into the political equivalent of the Jerry Springer show. He degrades political discourse by incessantly dispensing ad hominem (and nothing else) and engaging in vapid Twitter feuds. He's profoundly degraded the standards regarding what Republican voters should expect in the overall comportment of a presidential candidate.

He's blatantly a Democrat Manchurian candidate. His supporters will tell you that they don't see it, but they don't see anything. As I said then Donald Trump has accomplished what no Democrat before him ever has; the GoP's acceptance of Socialist medicine, "transgenderism," the abolition of the electoral college, etc. Republican voters were willing to accept all of these things (and much more of the leftist platform) under a president Trump. And that was always the goal. If Republicans accept these things, all opposition to them effectively evaporates, as there's no other significant political force in the country that can impede their implementation/advancement at the national level.

Trump was chosen by the Democrat party to be the Republican candidate, which easily beguiled the GoP constituency by posturing Trump in the media as anti- Clinton, anti-establishment, Conservative, etc. None of which he ever was, as evinced by the fact that he immediately broke his pledge to investigate and "jail" Hillary, upon winning the election. So when a Democrat is president Hillary doesn't go to jail. And likewise when a Republican is president Hillary doesn't go to jail. If I'm going to get the same thing from a Republican I would get from a Democrat, then I might as well just vote for Democrat. But Republican voters don't care about the broken promises. They only care about anything they can construe, no matter how tenuously, as a promise kept for the purpose of validating their decision to vote for Trump. Like all intellectually dishonest people they twist reality to accommodate their bias. All the incentive for them lies in self-affirmation, not admitting they were duped and made the wrong decision. They will never do that latter to any significant extent.

Trump was blatantly chosen by the Democrats because he was the GoP candidate that, in the event of a Hillary loss, would most allow the Democrats to advance their agenda under a Republican executive. A left leaning Republican president would be far more amenable to accepting leftist policy, and would serve to make the rest of the party more so also. And this was obvious even if leftists hadn't been all but admitting it.

So leftists were providing detailed illustrations of how Donald Trump was a dumber, much less Conservative candidate than guys like Cruz and Paul, that would do the much less as president to obstruct or reverse their agenda. This guy was basically putting it in coloring book format for them. 
Yet Republican voters, utterly blinded by partisan hatred, couldn't see it.

Republicans were herded, like so many cattle, into a result the served the interests of the left. A left that's been effectively stymieing the great "deal maker" ever since he took office rendering him nigh politically impotent. Despite Republicans having control of every branch of government, the Democrats are not only not losing, they're still winning for the most part. And Trump voters blame everyone but themselves for this. It's not their fault they elected a guy that even as a candidate, was slighting other Republican candidates so egregiously, he turned guaranteed supporters into staunch opponents who refused to endorse him once he won the nomination. The man who was perhaps the most caustic and divisive candidate in GoP history, is the one they thought would unify and rally the GoP, and spearhead a counter offensive against the left.

Trump voters are learning the hard way that a guy who can't even get along with his own party, much less the opposition party, can't make great "deals." Of course I jest. Trump voters aren't learning anything from this. Nor will they. Rather they interminably place blame everywhere but where it belongs. Themselves.

Here's the ugly truth. Both parties are full of sleazeballs who support sleazeballs. The GoP thinks they're better because their sleazeball wants to build a wall. The DNC thinks they're better because their sleazeball wants to "help" people through entitlement programs. Both are willing to accept a government full of sleazeballs, run by a chief (usually exceptional) sleazeball, to get what they want. 

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