Sunday, October 15, 2017

Netflix continues to churn out leftist garbage masquerading as entertainment.

Mindhunters is the story of how a young Marxist slut revolutionized behavioral science in the Federal Bureau of Investigation by seducing a young FBI agent. I wish that was hyperbole. I wish I was kidding. I was looking forward to this show for a while after seeing the trailer, but alas, it disappointed.

Like everything else on Netflix, this show is merely a platform for pushing the leftist agenda, and is replete with leftist tropes. Traditionalists are portrayed as prudish curmudgeons, juxtaposed against "progressive" visionaries like Ford and Dr. Carr, the latter of which is both an academic and a lesbian (a pretentiousness double whammy). Carr at one point sits with her lesbian partner who opines her FBI coworkers will "never be conversant in your vernacular." You know, because non-Marxist heterosexuals aren't intelligent enough to grasp the superior sapphite diction. Carr is later livid that what she would no doubt consider some "backwoods, bigoted southern DA," refused to subordinate her own interests to Carr's, causing Carr to spend the rest of the return trip home ostentatiously scowling. You know, what all "homosexuals" do when someone fails to defer to them or they don't get their way?

Never mind that Ann Wolbert Burgess, the character on which Dr. Carr is apparently based, has 4 children and 11 grand children; making her one of the least successful Lesbians in existence. So once again "homosexuals" are the most over-represented demographic in all of film and television, with the show's creators apparently going so far as to falsify the sexual preferences of real people in order to inject them into a setting in which they didn't exist. But no pushing of the leftist agenda here folks. You just need to take off your Conservative racism glasses before you watch TV.

The (apparently) main character, Holden Ford, is profoundly obnoxious. His narcissism became unbearable half way through the season. He's little more than a reprobate, in no small part thanks to his leftist girlfriend which began eroding is extant ethical moorings from the outset of the series, who remains inexplicably employed by the FBI despite incessant insubordination. This is always tangentially excused because "it was all his idea," despite the fact he contributes nothing of substance any longer, and is consistently the pivotal figure in one controversy after another that deleteriously affects not only himself, but his peers and the FBI as a whole, and even the larger community around him. (At one point he gets a popular elementary school principle fired consequently ruining his life, over mostly baseless suspicions regarding a matter in which he had no business being involved.) The guy seems to commit at least one terminable offense per episode, yet continues acting as though he has carte blanche to do as he pleases, because he does for no discernible logical reason. (This ultimately ends up making his section chief seem like one of the most pointless characters ever contrived in all of television and film.)

Fans will no doubt contend that's part and parcel of some ingenious plot in which Ford, being influenced by his proximity to lunatics at work in conjunction with the psychological stresses induced by his prurient and unfaithful pinko girlfriend, is himself spiraling into madness. And that's a load of crap.

His relationship with his equally vapid girlfriend conveys less chemistry than documentary footage of Hitler and Eva Braun. Both of their characters combined have less depth than a sheet of Kleenex. Why? Because all they have in common is using "deviant terminology" during (graphic) sex (scenes). I've always said smut is the crutch of the lazy/bad writer, and Mindhunters doesn't disappoint in that regard, by taking a perfectly good premise and turning it into 10 installments of SJW porn. Basically, Ford's "genius" in approaching the criminally insane is his willingness (unlike his peers) to use crass substitutes for the word "vagina," and the insight provided by his own kinky sex life, all of which was catalyzed by and learned from his Socialist whore girlfriend. This is established from literally the first episode in the series, in which Ford after meeting his girlfriend begins to shift (because of her) from a demure and sexually naive young man into a recalcitrant and lascivious one. He's subsequently repeatedly depicted either engaging in or preparing to engage in cunnilingus on his leftist, sexual pedant girlfriend, who initiated his mind opening sexual journey by saying "finger my p*ssy and I'll give you a blowjob" during a needlessly graphic sex scene, after Ford had told her such terms were considered "deviant terminology" by the FBI (terms FBI agents shouldn't use in the company of ladies). Ford would go on to have the terms "p*ssy" and "blowjob" removed from the list of "deviant terminology" as a result, paving the way for all of Ford's subsequent achievements.

So Ford's adeptness at establishing a rapport with serial killers (i.e., his "intuition"), and all the advances in behavioral science that ensue, ultimately stem from the more "progressive" mentality imparted to a farcically facile man by his slutty hippie college girlfriend. That's not my opinion. That's how the show paints it.

I wouldn't be surprised if they ruined Stranger Things by making one of the children a "homosexual" or "gender fluid" in the next season. Perhaps my favorite thing about that show is that it's apolitcal.  The creators, which are also radical leftists, for whatever reason decided not to make the show a platform for pushing their political agenda. (They saved that for awards ceremonies.) And this abstention prevented the ruination of a rather good series. But I have serious doubts they can abstain for 3 whole seasons.

Of course virtually everyone else loved Mindhunters, raving about it's "psychological" credibility. Because on what filth veiled as entertainment does this depraved society not engorge itself? If this is what constitutes TV drama these days, you might as well just get the Playboy channel. It's no less obscene and the story lines and acting are only slightly worse.

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