Monday, October 9, 2017

The left's protesting of police shootings is just another interminable farce.

Of course Black Lives Matter is outraged. When are Socialists not outraged? And once again this "outrage" is over a guy with warrants who resisted arrest. A guy who was plainly being taken into custody peacefully until he decided to resist arrest. I've seen this described as police shooting a "fleeing" man but that's not intellectually honest. If you're fleeing you flee(And never mind that fleeing from a police officer to avoid arrest is also a crime. Right?) Watching the video however one can clearly see him turn back toward the pursuing officer and raise his hand(s).

I saw the video before I even read the details.

And even before I knew those details I was ready to side with the officer. Why? Because watching the video I immediately noticed something that didn't fit the "fleeing" narrative. 
Patrick Harmon turns toward the officer in a manner that is exactly how one would look turning to shoot someone behind them (or if holding a weapon).

The video quality was too poor to make out a weapon but his posture was identical to one holding a weapon. So even before I learned he had pulled out a knife (which explains the behavior/posture above), I was ready to side with the officer who no doubt genuinely (and correctly) perceived this as a threat to his own safety.

That's right. This asshole pulled out a knife and BLM is still protesting his shooting. Why? Because there is no such thing as a "justified" police shooting to black Socialists. The black person is always the victim, no matter how many crimes he commits, no matter how many warrants he has, no a matter how conspicuously and vigorously he resists arrest, no matter how much of a threat he represents to the officers, etc. Their goal is not justice. It's exemption from the law; i.e., anarchy. And this instance, as numerous others which preceded it, utterly evinces that fact.

I'd wager that some will argue he shouldn't have been shot because a man wielding a knife is no match for an officer with a gun. And that would only serve to further illustrate the abject ignorance that permeates the left in regard to firearms. A man with an edged weapon in close proximity is arguably even more lethal to a police officer than one with a gun (43:10).

Cops should carry pillows instead of guns, and subdue potentially dangerous criminals with a barrage of blows from supple goose down, as to avoid any injury to the suspect according to black "activists." Black men and women have no obligation to comply with the law, orders from police officers, etc. Rather, cops have an obligation to apprehend black people with no regard for their own safety whatsoever or they're "racist."

99% of these shootings wouldn't occur if these people would simply stop resisting arrest. This video is but more proof of that. Patrick Harmon was plainly being taken into custody peacefully until he decided to resist arrest. But again the solution to leftists is not for black people to stop breaking the law, but for the law to not be enforced, and for police officers to be punished for doing the latter as opposed to black people being punished for doing the former.

As I've said for many years, if 10 bank robbers are arrested and 7 of them are black males, a leftist's opinion will be that laws against bank robbery are racist and should be abolished. Not that black males should quit robbing banks. And this is consistently the same asinine rationale applied to police shootings. Video after video has shown black males resisting arrest and ending up shot as a result. And the leftist solution to this is the same as the hypothetical scenario described above. Black males don't need to quit committing violent crimes, or resisting arrest, but rather laws against violent crime and resisting arrest are racist and therefore shouldn't be enforced. Likewise, black males are being disproportionately incarcerated not because they disproportionately perpetrate violent crimes, but rather because they're the victims of "institutional racism."

Nothing is ever their fault.

I could provide a slew of similar examples of white males being shot by police.

All three of these white men, just like Patrick Harmon, made stupid decisions that directly contributed to them getting shot as a result. 
And this serves to illustrate that the biggest disparity in how black shootings are treated as opposed to white shootings, is not in how they're perceived and handled by the justice system, but rather how they're perceived and handled by others of the same ethnicity.

You saw no white people protesting or rioting as a result of the above three shootings. Why? Because most white people view the behavior of those who got shot as foolish or unacceptable. And while they perhaps did not get what they "deserved," they most certainly got what was coming to them, by virtue of sheer cause and effect. By contrast there is clearly a pervasive anti-authority/police culture among American blacks, that literally inculcates black children from the earliest ages to conduct themselves in a manner that profoundly increases their likelihood of incarceration and/or death.

Above is a prime example. You see a black woman explicitly stating that not only will she resist arrest, and have to be killed, but explicitly instructing her small child to resist arrest also. And surprise, not long afterward she was killed by police. Should she have conducted herself like a civilized human being? Of course not. It's perfectly okay to behave like suicidal trash if you're a Socialist, particularly a black Socialist, as you can simply be absolved by "institutional racism." And the child? All he will remember is that his mother was killed by the police, whom he will likely mistrust and hate for the rest of his life. It's far less likely that he will remember or concede that his mother was behaving like an idiot and probably got herself killed. So her legacy to him is a lifelong mentality that increases his risk of incarceration and/or death.

And this is not an isolated instance. Again, it is a culture that pervades black American society, and is conspicuously on display in their entertainment (which molds their world view to a significant extent). I remember a black coworker telling me he was waiting to get off of work to go buy the newly released on DVD "
Straight Outta Compton."  A movie about a group of rappers who engage in an orgy of crime, and emulate and glorify the very gang culture to which they were exposed and subjected as children, yet can't understand why they're constantly being given such a hard time by police whom they loathe for incessantly harassing them. Because again, if you're black you should be able to break the law at will without repercussion, and if the police don't like that then "f**k the police."

Because their assiduous hounding by police isn't a result of being habitual law breakers; it's because they're brown and the police are all racist.
 And this combination of anti-police entertainment, deliberate misinformation being disseminated by black "Activists," etc., directly contributes to many blacks having opinions like this.

First of all, as the shooting of 
Patrick Harmon makes unequivocally clear, many blacks make no distinction between a "justified" and "unjustified" shooting. For black leftists all shootings are the latter regardless of circumstance. Secondly, more white people are shot by police than black people, so contrary to the poster's assertion whites are affected by it more as opposed to less. The key difference, again, is in how other whites perceive and react to it. The militarization of the police is a separate issue, that would require significant digression, and which I won't address here.
There's also the abject hypocrisy to consider, of a movement ostensibly operating upon the premise of valuing and seeking to preserve black life, being simultaneously complicit in the mass extermination of black life.
The very same people that decry the deaths of their children in the streets for the cameras, walk right into the privacy of abortion clinics and voting booths, and end their own childrens' lives by the millions and/or vote for those that make that genocide possible.
No one in America values black life less than black Americans, who riot in protest to one alleged racist scheme, while simultaneously ardently supporting another that's taken infinitely more black lives. Basically, when black Socialists aren't busy whining about racism, they're busy zealously supporting it. According to the Washington Post there were 233 blacks killed by police officers in 2016. Assuming that number was comparable every year since Roe V. Wade, that's 10,252 black lives extinguished, compared to 15.5 million extinguished at their own hands in the same time frame. But the former is their big concern. Not the latter. Why? Because if they protested the latter they'd be protesting themselves. And that will never happen with people who redistribute blame for everything and take responsibility for nothing. It should be noted that according to the same source 466 whites, twice as many, were shot and killed by police in 2016. But as many blacks plainly believe, whites are not "affected" as significantly as blacks. Patrick Harmon is not the first or only example of this abject intellectual dishonesty. The shooting of Michael Brown was another flagrant example of how black (and many white) Socialists subscribe to a "blacks are by default victims" mentality. Black activists didn't care that: • Micheal Brown was caught on video perpetrating a crime just prior to being killed. His supporters incessantly portrayed him as a sweet and innocent child, despite the fact video evidence utterly refuted that portrayal. His relatives even accused the police of character assassination, while simultaneously engaging in a retroactive beatification of the most intellectually dishonest sort. • The account given by Brown's friend, complicit in the crime he'd just committed prior, was directly contradicted by multiple other black witnesses who corroborated Wilson's account of what transpired. • The grand jury, which was completely unnecessary and only convened because of the civil unrest being threatened and fomented by black Socialists, specifically cited this testimony as inductive to their final decision. The black lynch mob didn't care. They would accept nothing less than blood, and were therefore the very epitome of that which they purported to be protesting against. Throughout that entire ordeal the sentiments and expectations of the Brown family and their supporters ranged anywhere from deceptive to ridiculous. Their expectations upon police officers was farcical, and something derived entirely from Hollywood fantasy. Police are expected to have telepathy, x-ray vision, super human reflexes and strength, etc. Darren Wilson was expected to know what kind of person Micheal Brown, a stranger, was without knowing him. To be able to know the object for which he was presumably reaching, concealed by his clothing, wasn't a gun. To be able to subdue a juvenile delinquent, larger and stronger than himself, without injury to the former. He was also apparently supposed to shoot merely to incapacitate, which is a notion only an abject ignoramus would entertain. There are perhaps only a handful full of people on the entire planet capable of that sort of accuracy with a firearm, virtually all world class competitive shooters, who never have to achieve that level of accuracy under the stresses imposed by a potentially life threatening danger, or while being pummeled. At one point the attorney for the Brown family argued that Wilson's account of events was false because the account of Brown's friend, who had been with him during the crime he'd committed just prior and who was contravened by multiple other witnesses, was contrary to Wilson's. That's the standard of evidence to which black Socialists clearly subscribe; the word of a criminal's friend carries more weight than that of a peace officer (not caught on camera committing a crime just prior to the shooting).
A black man could have ten warrants and attempt to cut a white officer's throat, and black Socialists will still side with the black man over the white officer. They hate white people that much. If that's not racism I don't know what is. Their conduct is the exact same, merely inverted, as that of white racists in antebellum America. A white racist would have sided with a criminal over a black man of piety based purely upon shared ethnicity, and that's exactly what you see from "modern" black Socialists. The black mob defending Brown wanted Darrel Wilson jailed, executed even, regardless of the evidence. Indeed, they'd have completely foregone a trial altogether, and murdered him in the streets if they could; behavior that long ago caused me to observe the irony that most lynch mobs today are comprised of black people.

Obviously unjustified shootings happen. And those officers should be investigated and prosecuted (and more than one has). But it's also plain to see that groups like BLM are neo-fascist proletarian agitators, who believe they should be able to behave and treat others, even police officers, however they please without consequence. It's equally plain to see that, were their asinine demands actually implemented, we'd live in abject anarchy with no security for property or life. And as such it should be exposed for the inane, commie garbage it is, and opposed to the fullest extent (regardless of from where it originates).

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